1. Start Your Day With A Healthy Breakfast
Sounds obvious, but this is key to setting the tone for the day and helping you make healthier choices throughout the day. You will feel more energetic and even proud of yourself when sticking to a healthier lifestyle while exploring the world.
2. Pack All Your Snacks
Instead of finding yourself indulging on unnecessary added calories that we know add up pretty quickly, you can pack some healthy to go snacks like green apples, almonds, or a protein bar; green apples are a great choice for snacks as they are filling, high in fiber and have a low glycemic index which will help you keep your energy levels up without the sugar lows other foods can give you.
3. Drink Lots Of Water
Pack your water! If you keep yourself hydrated you will feel more energetic and will be less likely to make poor choices like drinking soda when you feel thirsty. Besides, water always makes our skin glow and is the best way to flush toxins out of our bodies!
4. Buy Groceries
Yes, this one is key and anyone who travels often will tell you that if you are staying for more than a few days, you will reap all the benefits of having your own food supply at your dispense. You can at least get snacks, and if you have a full-service kitchen, well, you can truly be healthy and save time by making quick healthy breakfasts and head straight to your fun destinations without wasted time or added calories at local restaurants.
5. Find Healthy Choices
While it is true that buying your own groceries is a great way to ensure you maintain that healthy lifestyle on the go, you should also explore some fun, authentic foods and restaurants. You can use apps like Yelp to find awesome local places to dine and, with pictures and reviews you can start planning ahead that way you can stick to your choice instead of making a poor last minute choice that might set you back.
6. Walk, Swim, Bike, Move!
Walking is one of the best ways to explore and get close and personal with the place you are visiting. If you have the option of riding bikes this is also a great way to have fun and burn some calories while enjoying some great views. For those with access to beaches or pools: what better way to submerge in the experience while getting an amazing workout?
7. Indulge
Yes, we previously said we should try cutting unnecessary calories and burn them when possible, but life is about balance and you should be able to indulge every now and then. Don't be afraid to get out of your usual diet and try some new things you might regret not having tried once you are back home. With moderation, you can always enjoy a healthy balanced travel experience.
Author. Lorena Suarez
Photo credits. Maryed Arruba, IG @jettttlife
Bikini. 'Catching My Prey'
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